This grape varietal, at the base of all the Prosecco DOC and DOCG, came from the Eastern Friuli area and spread throughout the centuries between the Veneto and Friuli regions. It best grows in the hilly zones where the climate is meek and airy, but manages to adapt itself also to the plains. Up to 2009 this grape varietal was commonly called Prosecco; with the onset of the Regulations for the protection of grape varietals, it began to be referred to as Glera, while the name Prosecco is now referred to the wine. The geographical production areas are divided into DOCG – Valdobbiadene, Conegliano, Colli Asolani and Montello – and DOC, which encompasses 4 Friuli provinces (Gorizia, Pordenone, Trieste and Udine) and 5 Venetian provinces (Belluno, Padova, Treviso, Venice and Vicenza).
The Glera grape varietal endows the wine with a pale straw yellow hue and a dry and light taste, delicately perfumed with typically floral notes that express the utmost in freshness and lightness.

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